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AI driven Snotra
Intelligent Equipment Control & Monitoring

4th industrial revolution equipment control & monitoring system. High-performance, high stability equipment control system. Equipment log and sensor data  0.1 second or less sampling level.

What can you takeaway from AI driven Snotra ICM?

High-reliability, high capacity, real-time equipment/sesor data stream management

The AI accuracy of the 4th industrial revolution smart factory depends on the quality of equipment and sensor data, strong stability than the existing producation management oriented MES must be guaranteed, and the amount of data is at least 100 times greater so high capacity and high performance must be guaranteed, and collaboation with related systems becomes even more crucial.

Non-down structure of 24-hour equipment data collection and transmission process.

In order for equipment events and data to be collected without interruption, there is a difficult point that it must not be stopped even at the time of equipment interfere PM, and it must be possible to change the equipment control rule frequently according to the demand for manufacturing innovation.

Equipment control, recipe control, various events and data collection.

In the past, things were simple with data for equipment and recipe control based on CIM requests, but in the AI era, There are alot of requirements where a lot of processing are required due to requests from various systems. Especially, quality and productivity innovation by artificial intelligence requires various control and information exchange with equipments or IoT.

Application of PLC, HSMS based SECS-11/GEM and serial communication, equipment log compression transmission technology

AI driven Snotra ICM supports standard communication methods with equipments and enables high-level control and real-time data collection by utilising standardisation technology of semiconductor/display for non-standard equipments. In addition, AI driven Snotra ICM provides equipment log compression/transmission technology for completeness of securing fine data of equipments.

In Industry 4.0, euipment data is vital!

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


202, Hanaplaza, Seongnamdaero 34, Bundangu, Seongnamsi, Gyeonggido, Kroea 13637


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